
A comprehensive range of material from 3mm thick up to 40mm thick is stocked in varied widths. Also known as Flat, Strip or Flat Metal Bar


Specification: BS EN10025 S275JR (Mild Steel Flat Bar)
Hover over the dots in the table to reveal the dimensions. All figures are KG/metre.

Width 3 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40
10 0.236
13 0.306 0.510
16 0.377 0.628 0.754
20 0.471 0.785 0.942 1.256 1.570 1.884
25 0.589 0.981 1.178 1.570 1.963 2.355 2.944
30 0.707 1.178 1.413 1.884 2.355 2.826 3.533 4.710
35 1.374 1.649 2.198 2.748
40 0.942 1.570 1.884 2.512 3.140 3.768 4.710 6.280 7.850 9.420
45 1.766 2.120 2.826 3.533 4.239 5.299 7.065 8.831 10.598 14.130
50 1.178 1.963 2.355 3.140 3.925 4.710 5.888 7.850 9.813 11.775 15.700
60 1.413 2.355 2.826 3.768 4.710 5.652 7.065 9.420 11.775 14.130 18.840
65 2.551 3.062 4.082 5.103 6.123 7.654 10.205
70 2.748 3.297 4.396 5.495 6.594 8.243 10.990 13.738
75 2.944 3.533 4.710 5.888 7.065 8.831 11.775 14.719
80 1.884 3.140 3.768 5.024 6.280 7.536 9.420 12.560 15.700 18.840 25.120
90 3.533 4.239 5.652 7.065 8.478 10.598 14.130
100 2.355 3.925 4.710 6.280 7.850 9.420 11.775 15.700 19.625 31.400
110 5.181 6.908 8.635 10.362 12.953
120 4.710 5.652 7.536 9.420 11.304 14.130 18.840 23.550
130 5.103 6.123 8.164 10.205 12.246 15.308 20.410 25.513
140 6.594 8.792 10.990 13.188 16.485
150 3.533 5.888 7.065 9.420 11.775 14.130 17.663 23.550 29.438 47.100
180 8.478 11.304 14.130 16.956 21.195 28.260
200 9.420 12.560 15.700 18.840 23.550 31.400 39.250
220 10.362 13.816 17.270 20.724 25.905 34.540 43.175
250 11.775 15.700 19.625 23.550 29.438 39.250 49.063
300 14.130 18.840 23.550 28.260 35.325 47.100 58.875 70.650
350 27.475 32.970 41.213 54.950 68.688
400 31.400 37.680 47.100 62.800 78.500
450 35.325 42.390 52.988 70.650
500 39.250 47.100 58.875